Fringe News
Day tripping is not what you think
Day tripping is not what you think. Or maybe it is. It’s like somewhere between being on holiday, and being so out of it you can’t really leave home. So you escape on condition that you can return...
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The Kit Kat is a perfect sweet for adults.
The Kit Kat is a perfect sweet for adults. It separates easily into four equal chocolate sticks, so you can appear in control of the process of eating it, with a certain restraint. Turns out it’s...
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My wish for you this holiday is pretty much the same as my wish for myself. Spend December gazing out at the trees waving in the distance, hear the cicadas screeching in the nearby bushes and th...
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BMX bikes were already a thing when I was like 13 years old
BMX bikes were already a thing when I was like 13 years old. All the big brothers of the neighbourhood had to share their bikes with their little brothers because they were too expensive for a fam...
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On my very first trip overseas
On my very first trip overseas I coughed all the way to Europe, because the in-flight chainsmokers gave me a dire case of childhood asthma. Thinking about it now, I’m drawn to the conclusion that ...
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Keep your eyes on the prize. But look down every now and again to make sure you haven’t stepped in someone else’s mess. The prize is yours when you realise that there is a reward for every good act...
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Lies are like the drugs of the real world, you get high without having to put something into your mouth. In fact the high comes from something coming out your mouth instead. Liars obviously get a ...
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Who doesn’t have this dark desire to go back to at least one teacher to say
Who doesn’t have this dark desire to go back to at least one teacher to say, ‘sorry miss when you said I wouldn’t amount to anything with this attitude, you were um, wrong. Wow look at me now!’ W...
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We are all survivors of the solar flare
We are all survivors of the solar flare. Something enormous happened in space last week that made absolutely no difference to anything anywhere. Hectic. Hope the kids are alright. Apologies. There...
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Let’s drink a toast to my old iPod.
Let’s drink a toast to my old iPod. I found my music from 2012 in a random box. I cannot express the depths of emotion. Amy Winehouse had just gone for good and I remember thinking that lame song ...
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Time to leverage opportunities
Time to leverage opportunities. By which I mean, time to plan no plan. I’m sorry to sound abstract about it, but a vacant head is a mind just waiting to be filled. I dream I’m at an airport. As a...
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The time has come to chuck out the trash. It’s like a heart transplant. Bad stuff out — good stuff in. The trouble has always been what to keep. I remember seeing Oprah’s show on decluttering w...
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We don’t all live in a yellow submarine
Sadly, we don’t all live in a yellow submarine. It didn’t come as a huge shock when someone pointed it out, because life has this bad habit of letting one down. What it means, really, is that ther...
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So we’ve swung into Spring with this expected combination of hot and cold, you could say schizophrenic weather but that’s not exactly what schizo means. But let’s look at combos that slowly dri...
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Dreamt I was flying which is crazy because I usually dream I’m falling. Now I’m trying to figure out if there’s some significance in the fact that I made a concerted effort to defy gravity, which ...
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