If desperate times call for desperate measures then surely the opposite applies. Glorious times call for glorious measures.
Why wallow in misery when you can take a chance on something new? You may well discover that you have talents that can unlock a whole new world. Every culture has its version of fame and fortune based on a mixture of luck and beauty. Then there are those who know that good things come to those who invest their time in hard work and perseverance.
If you’re not the picture of health and wealth, then at least try to be a creature of love. Giving can be as rewarding as receiving.
Try to take a little time out of your daily routine to make a close friend happy. And try to make a close friend out of someone who seems pressured and distant. The spaces between us are not that wide and treacherous. We can be the people we thought we were going to be, someday when we had achieved our dreams and ambitions.
Otherwise, instead of staring at your phone, stare at a work of art. You may find yourself a whole new love, where you didn’t know it existed.