We don’t all live in a yellow submarine
Sadly, we don’t all live in a yellow submarine. It didn’t come as a huge shock when someone pointed it out, because life has this bad habit of letting one down.
What it means, really, is that there is also no Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
So it doesn’t matter how much LSD you took in ‘66, cold hard reality prevailed after your trippy trip. And even though we now know how bad drugs are for the body and psyche, it’s hardly a reason for collectors to chuck out their precious Beatles’ vinyls, now.
If Yellow Submarine was really about Nembutal (that came in yellow capsules), it’s absolutely no use cancelling the song today.
I’m a little disturbed by the fact that experimentation with drugs, in the early rock subculture, gave artists an excuse to dream of new ways of doing things. But I’m thankful that these days we’re on firmer ground, as we brief our computers to create moving images that merely look like hallucinations on psychedelic substances.
I expect that soon we’ll be able to give our computers real drugs, to see what they come up with once they’re totally out of it.