Falling in love on street corners
Falling in love on street corners is a thing, for some. I don’t know where else people fall in love, but I fell in love at a wedding.
It was someone else’s wedding, and we were unrelated guests.
But the weirdest thing happened. I wrote those opening lines then fell asleep. Naturally, I dreamt of a wedding. The bride was the wife of an old friend from school. Dressed in her bridal finery, she came right up to me and said, ‘this dress is driving me mad.’ Then she started to tug at the expensive white fabric.
She tried to tear the top of her long white bridal gown, and anxiously I looked for her new husband. I could see him, far off in the the garden where the wedding reception was taking place. He was chatting among our friends, wearing a tuxedo, completely oblivious to the fact that his new wife was about to wreck her wedding dress.
I woke up and had absolutely no idea why I had dreamt of these people, real people whose wedding I had not even attended. Even though it is true that I had fallen in love at a wedding, but not theirs.
These are very strange times we’re living in. And I think that the subconscious tries, in vain, to rationalise why affection for others should inform everything we do.
The message I think is to be nice, but not so nice that you lose yourself. Don’t stray from your path.