Don't dream it to be it
Taking inspiration from the movies is like taking inspiration from real life. You have a main protagonist, you have a situation and then you have moments that may or may not be worth living through.
In visual art the outcome is always worth the trouble, because you are your own director, cameraman and leading lady. The painting or sculpture is successful when it’s like a one-shot feature film. And I know that I am able to make art that gives you a single hit in which you get to unravel a whole situation. You may not fully comprehend what’s happening, but you can feel me beside you as we walk into the frame to discover the drama.
I dream that I am walking in one of my own paintings. It’s my Alice in Wonderland moment in which I have the agency to confront my own fictional characters. They don’t always love what I put them through, but they realize that they are the reason I wake up in the morning, and they are the reason I am able to sleep at night.
Together we have managed to eat three meals a day, drive to the ocean, fly in an airplane and make some magic in the gallery. Together we have given joy and even discomfort.
I enjoy the way I have incorporated my mistakes into my composition. Not only lines that seem to go nowhere but thoughts that seem to trail away into nothing. I also enjoy the way that I have incorporated my human failings into my creations. But these I keep to myself, in case I have to explain it all in detail later. Art should not have to be explained.