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Cash Strapped

Cash Strapped

Xmas wreaths that pop up in October are a bit like Billy Porter in a dress. Quaint, but we’ve seen it all before.

Planning a party when the world is such a mess seems selfish. But people are always looking for a ray of sunshine through the gloom. I was near the  airport on the highway, when the team was arriving home from Paris. You could barely move. It was a festive traffic jam.

I enjoy hearing the music from nearby cars. I feel happy when I see other people happy. Joy is infectious. On the flip side,

road rage is infectious. The thing that’s not infectious is conflict resolution. Pity that. 

I was standing quietly in a queue at the ATM, when someone asked me if I could help them. The ATM was asking them to make up a reference, and they didn’t know what that meant. Everyone was getting restless. The sun was beating down and people needed their cash.

There’s nothing worse than humans waiting for money. We try to put on a good face, but the anxiety shows through. We despise others in the same boat as us.

I’ve decided to go cashless. It’s not a big adjustment. Only, never touching money doesn’t mean it’s not there.

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I'm not the nude guy

I'm not the nude guy

Sex is not overrated, because it’s just as necessary as going to the loo. Which means it’s good for one’s health, and every now and then it comes out wrong.  I have forgiven myself for not making a...

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City Kitsch

City Kitsch

There’s a fire in my heart. It burns with passion for adventure. I rev up my bike and go where the road takes me. Usually to my mother’s place. Well, I know that’s not exactly a searing drama, but…...

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