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AI chronicles

AI chronicles

Whatever artificial intelligence delivers has a positive-negative connotation. And it's up to you to find the positive in the negative and the negative in the positive, or you risk being labeled the opposite of woke, whatever that is 

You cannot just sit back and let AI do its work. Have you noticed? You have to confess that this written piece, or that artwork was done with the assistance of AI. If you don't then you are condemned as a free-loader who can't deal with his own shit.

The whole debate just proves that we are in a between-phase where we know we need help, but are afraid to admit it. For example, if I cannot paint hands, and I get a programme to paint them for me, am I considered to be a bad artist?

Likewise, if I cannot write nice prose and I get a programme to write a speech for me, for my daughter's wedding, am I considered to be a bad father?

Well, we already use AI everyday with things like GPS. And now that we do not read maps anymore, we aren't necessarily considered to be bad drivers. 

I want to be part of the real world. And if that means I also have to be part of the unreal world, I plan to deal with it. I don't mind farming out a large whack of my stuff to Artificial Intelligence, if it makes me look like a better person. 

I can't wait to pay AI to give me an extreme makeover. It's not that I'm tired of the way I look, it's just that I want to see how the new technology sees me.

In fact, I'm thinking of inventing an app that will give you a mirror on your whole life, if it was perfect.

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  Fast forward a couple of decades and going to the shops or the bank will be much more fun than now. Sophia or Ameca robots will ask you what you want. Right at the door. Say something like, I've ...

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All Along the Watchtower

All Along the Watchtower

When Jimi Hendrix recorded All Along the Watchtower, Bod Dylan said he heard new things he adopted for the future. When Dylan composed it he had taken the first step out of the void, but Jimi went...

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